Studio 7, MESH PERFORMANCE PANTS, Cashew, Adults, ADMP01
The gorgeous Mesh Performance Pants feature a flattering mesh leg line, complimenting the movements and extensions of the dancer. These pants will be a knockout piece in any dancer’s wardrobe.
- Adults Sizes.
- Pants only, top sold separately.
(This is the time needed to receive this product from our supplier, in the event our supplier has sold out you will be contacted via phone or email).
Products are not guaranteed to be in-stock, to offer low prices and shipping discounts we order from suppliers on a needs basis.
For further information please refer to our FAQ

SHIPPING: Ready to send 3-14 Business Days
This is the time needed to receive this product from our supplier, order frequency below. In the event our supplier has sold out you will be contacted via phone or email as soon as we receive that information.
Products are not guaranteed to be in-stock.
To offer low prices and shipping discounts we order from suppliers on a needs basis.
Supplier order frequency (can be more frequent at peak times):
Weekly: Energetiks, Studio 7 Dancewear
Business Days are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Non Business Days are: Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.